The first platform where all authors are paid while all the books are free to binge-read!

Discover a world of captivating stories from aspiring authors who are eager to share their imaginations with you.

<aside> đź“š Join us Now! Pre-register today for the iOS launch or Download the App in the Google Play Store to start reading!


Our Mission

We want to change the way things are done for authors and readers. We will help passionate writers to be able to make a decent living from their art all while keeping the books free and accessible to all.

WeInk is a safe place where authors can share their art while knowing we have their best interests at heart. We understand that writing comes from a place of passion and that it isn’t easy to write and even less to earn from your work.

On the other hand, reading is both entertaining and rich in knowledge, everyone regardless of social background should have access to great books!

We want authors and readers to use WeInk as a free stepping stone to achieve their dreams. We will allow readers to binge-read amazing books and we will help authors every step of the way to becoming successful authors who can stop writing on the side and pursue it full-time (if they want).

<aside> đź“š Want to become an ambassador and get early access to all new features? Find out more about the ambassador program here.


How does it work?

Download the free app, sign up, and start reading! It’s that simple!

By simply reading through the books, you contribute to the success of these authors and help them grow. Your engagement is rewarded, and you can also show your appreciation through donations and tips that you gain organically thanks to advertisements and gaming challenges

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As an author, share your completed book and let your creativity shine. With our unique system, you can earn financial rewards called “beans” through reader engagement, advertisements, and gaming challenges. You have the freedom to extract your earnings or reinvest them in your growth. Join us and unlock your potential as a self-published author!

WeInk is your platform to connect, engage, and support your favorite authors. Start exploring today and be a part of their incredible literary journey!

<aside> ✒️ Download the App today! You don’t have to be an author to join as long as you like to read you are more than welcome 💕


Author Requirements

Currently, all books that are added must meet 4 criteria:

Book covers must be licensed since you will be earning money from your work!

We accept all genres and all lengths of books and poetry collections.

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Other Key Information

Have a look at our Frequently Asked Question Pageâť“ for more detailed information.

We help authors grow! (Coming Soon!)

WeInk offers a range of services to support authors' growth.